Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Lazy Day

Today is kind of a lazy day.  Sitting in the recliner googling whether Beyonce was really pregnant and the Six Best Ways to Keep Your New Man.  I landed on a ranking website that ranked Rhode Island School of Design as having the number one creepiest mascot.  Apparently, it's a man's parts--down there. "Scrotie".  Ewww.

Leave it to those free thinkers.

The verdict?  I never thought Beyonce was pregnant.  I wondered how she was going to pull this off.  I think most people would have forgiven her if she'd just come out with the surrogate.  Maybe she could have said she couldn't carry babies for some medical reason.  I don't know.  Her body is how she makes money, why would she want to risk that?  I don't blame her if she wasn't.  What if she gained gobs of weight an stretched out her stomach and was never quite able to get back on top of the industry?  She'd be screwed.  That's how it is when someone has used their body to sell their singing voice.

As far as keeping my "new" man.  The list was stupid.  I'm supposed to laugh more, enjoy his hobbies, include him in my decisions, not let him monopolize my time and some other goofy things for women in their twenties and thirties that still actually think they should have to jump through hoops to keep a man.  Big tip comin' up here ladies.  If you like each other enough and your don't have any super-duper personality flaws, the rest kind of works itself out.  You'll either stay together or break up.  There's really no way around it.  Unless you go for the friends with benefits junk that is a bunch of nonsense.  Everyone knows the girl is using herself up.

So I look at the picture of the "plush" mascot representing male genetalia and just wonder where I've been that this is actually OK.

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