Thursday, February 28, 2013

Winter of Our Discontent: Seeing Him

My last writing on this topic was a little over a year ago.  I didn't write about it when it happened, but I saw him.  I saw him at a restaurant last summer.  It's probably been about nine months.  I really didn't know how I was going to be.  I remembered how he'd promised me he could be "discreet".  He'd told me if we crossed paths in public, he'd never give me away.  I thought about how that promise had been the beginning of our end.  I'd spent my life being ignored, why would I want another person in my life to act like I didn't exist?

I was having lunch with a special friend of mine--a lady.  We entered the restaurant and I saw him almost right away.  He was sitting with what I immediately recognized as co-workers from when we were together.  Lots of "frumpy old bitties" that I knew hated him for all his annoying habits.  I wanted to put my back to him but my friend sat in the booth with her back to me, so unless I wanted to sit next to her, I was stuck facing him.

Fast forward through our lunch.  I kept the conversation lively so I could justify focusing on her and not on the rest of the room.  I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the "party" he was with was breaking up.  The ladies were gathering their over-sized purses and sweaters they saved for eating out when it was cold in a restaurant.  I saw him get up and he was walking my way.  He'd left the restaurant and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was mistaken.

After the table had emptied out and the group had dispersed, several minutes later, he appeared at my table.  Obviously a few pounds lighter, without his nerdy spectacles, embarrassing "almost" mullet, and he was speaking to me.  I thought I might throw up.

He asked me if I'd "taken care of" my situation.  Later, when I realized what he meant, I couldn't believe he was asking me about this in such a bold manner!  Right here in front of my friend he was asking me if I was still married.  Luckily I didn't catch on right away and told him I'd transferred and found the new location much more to my liking.  The people I was working with and the atmosphere was much better suited to my liking.  I felt put upon and awkward.  What was I supposed to say?

As he walked away, I hoped he felt stupid for approaching me.  I hoped he was disappointed that I'd moved on and didn't care about him.  I wanted him to feel silly and embarrassed.  I wanted him to get out to his car and feel frustrated.  I wanted him to feel DUMPED.

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