Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Lot Can Happen in Two Years, Part One

Can't believe it's been about two years since I posted anything on here.  So much has happened.  I'm sorry to say, none of it is good.

Who's to say when this string of "bad luck" started.  Was it the car accident?  December 12.  I think it will be two years this December.  I was going down the highway in the center lane, pretty much minding my own business.  I really didn't see the car.  I was blinded by a car to my left.  Of course that car saw the other car inching out onto the highway, but I didn't.  They were able to stop in time, but by the time I saw the nose of the car passed the car blinding me, it was too late.  I didn't have time to brake, or maybe I did, I can't remember.  Right before I hit the car, I thought, "This is going to be bad."  Then the moment I hit the car, "This isn't so bad."  I must have been unconscious for a moment because I opened my eyes.  My car was off the road facing the opposite direction.  The front of the car was crumpled all the way in and I was dazed.  My glasses were on the floor.  The airbag had deployed.  I felt my nose bleeding.

It took moments for the first responders to arrive because they were heading back from another call.  It was crazy mayhem.  They hooked me up to stuff.  Asked me questions.  I was still dazed.  I was less than hour from home on a three and a half hour trip.  I was so close.