Saturday, February 13, 2016

Head, Tails, or Three Strikes, Your Out.

Well.  Here I am again.  Seems to always come around to spilling it here because I don't have anyone I can trust.  I even asked my sister if she could keep a "secret."  She said yes.  I told her a secret and not 24 hours later, she told my husband.  Right in front of me.  Jesus.  I kept looking at her trying to get her to shut it and she just kept talking.  That was the last person on this planet I could trust.  So here I am.

This one goes back a few weeks, and yes, it involves stupid coins and coin shows.  To cut to the chase, he bought a $500 coin and didn't say a word to me about it.  All he had to do was tell me what he had planned.  I asked him about the coin, saw the coin, studied the coin, gave him every opportunity to tell me how much he spent at the show.  No surprise, he didn't say anything.  I suppose I should have known when he didn't say anything about how much they were.

Well, I waited, and I waited.  Nothing.  Truthfully, I thought, eh.  It ain't no big deal.  He has a coin allowance maybe, he spent $100 dollars?  He's done that, saved up for a certain number of months and used his allowance at a show.

However, I'm not stupid either.

I know he makes money on the side which is a bit of a sticky situation.  He's always pocketed any money he's gotten on the side.  It's a super sore subject with me, but he thinks he's getting away with something and I don't say anything.  Many years ago when I was working full time and still teaching on the side we decided whatever we made "on the side" was ours to  spend as we wanted.  I saved mine and bought a car because my scooter got sold and the money just sifted through his hands.  He says he spent it on "groceries and stuff."  Whatever.  Again.  I'm not stupid.

Another sore subject.

Wow, there are a lot of those.

Ok.  Well, he has pocketed his money and acts all "generous" when I ask for a dollar or a five.  I let him feel like a man.

So maybe, just maybe, he managed to hold on to $500 he made on the side.  That doesn't relieve him of saying something.  Jesus Christ, just say something.  Say something!  How did he know to take $500 dollars to a coin show?  I asked him how he got it, he said he had it, so that makes it his side money.  His blessed side money.  His side job money.

It stings because when our truck first got diagnosed with the problem it's had now for quite some time, it was about $700 or $800 dollars, now it's gone up to $1,000.  That $500 sure would have put a nice dent in the repairs needed.

I make $300 dollars a month teaching after hours.  I use it to pay my student loans.  I've been known to buy some clothes here and there.  I spend $20 a month on a gym membership, that's about the best it gets with me.

He won $100 in a Super Bowl pool and didn't say anything about it until I asked him if he had change for a five.  He opened up his wallet, I saw a pile of twenties.  Looked like more than five of them, but who's counting.

I remember while we were watching the game, he made a big deal about winning the money, I said something about what we were going to do with the money.  He got very defensive.  I teased him about already having a coin picked out.  He got nervous and flushed.  Man, screw you, I thought.  At this time I didn't know about the $500 coin.

Anyway,  I saw his wallet full of money and made a comment.  He said he'd collected on the pool and put it away.  Regardless our situation, he's stuck to pocketing any extra money he can get his hands on.  Sometimes if I asked him for it, he'd give it to me and then he'd stop at the ATM on his way to a show and get money out.

Not to mention how he runs to the mailbox every afternoon.  I'm sick of it.

Let me take a different direction on this.

I took my bike in for repairs back in, I don't know, September, October,  the guy quoted me something like $45 dollars, when I came to pick up the bike it was $200.  I was humiliated for not getting the quote in writing.  I wanted my bike fixed so bad.  When he said $45 dollars I don't know what he was telling me, parts plus labor, labor plus parts.  Regardless.  I felt angry and foolish.  I was ashamed, so I wanted to wait until later to tell him the truth--when I felt less stupid for being taken advantage of.

Now, frankly?  I forgot.  I haven't ridden my bike but two times since then, we've been busy.  I was going to ride my bike to the gym today and I remembered I never was honest about the $200.  So I feel bad.  I feel guilty.  But I didn't sneak.  I didn't sneak.  God it just comes back to him withholding the truth and it gets me angry.